Thursday, July 27, 2006

Muscle Milk

In order for me to meet my required daily protein intake, protein shakes are a necessity. I try to get in six meals a day and one or two protein drinks a day really helps me reach that goal. I especially find it important to drink a protein drink right after my workout (usually also supplemented with Glutamine). My normal regime is to drink a shake 15 - 30 minutes after a workout and then around an hour later eat another meal.

Now if you are going to drink a protein drink, I have to say that Muscle Milk has to be one of the best, if not the best, tasting protein drink that I have tried. What is amazing about CytoSport's Muscle milk is that it tastes great with only one gram of sugar. Muscle Milk also comes in eleven different flavors so the chances of finding your favorite flavor are pretty high.

You can read my full Muscle Milk review here.


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